Internships & Jobs

Internships & Jobs

Explore general and industry-specific job and internship resources through the links provided below. We encourage you to start your job and internship search early. Plan on meeting with a Career Services Counselor who can assist you with identifying job and internship opportunities specific to your interests. Note: Passwords may be required for some of the sites listed below.

You should be aware that fraudulent job/internship postings are a real risk on any job/internship search database, including those listed below. Students have been victims of job scams. If you have any questions, please contact Career Services.

Featured Sites

Handshake is an online career information system. Resources include: the ability to make career counseling appointments, access to on-campus, part-, and full-time job and internship listings. Handshake allows for access to On Campus Recruiting (OCR) opportunities and job shadowing opportunities. Additionally, students can view the employers and graduate and professional schools who come to campus as well as those employers who attend Career Fairs.

Designed for international students by international students. From navigating the immigration journey, adapting to a new life in a new country, and finding jobs from international student-friendly employers, we have it covered for every step of the journey.

MUSE – Create Your Own Website or Portfolio
College students with career objectives from creative fields to tech to finance can use Muse to create vivid portfolios to represent their skills, competencies, interests and accomplishments and stand out to potential employers. 

Muse is a no-code online site-building tool that enables users to create attractive pages using simple building blocks and to integrate all of their content — including Linkedin and a traditional resume — and all channels from across the web into one portfolio. Muse requires no knowledge of coding or design and takes a small fraction of the time required to use traditional web-building tools.  It can be used to create a personal site that can link to your resume, your Linkedin profile contact information section, and to any social media as a link-in-bio.

(make sure to sign up with your email).
NEW Interview and Public Speaking Digital Resource:  We are excited to share that Pitzer students can now access Yoodli, an AI powered platform to improve your public speaking and interviewing skills without the pressure of an audience (1 minute demo here). Through Yoodli, you can access our Pitzer Career Services team more easily and quickly get asynchronous feedback from career consultants and friends before an upcoming interview or presentation.


AngelList is a job database for tech startups. Especially useful for people looking for tech startups in the Bay Area, or NYC or other tech hubs.

The Claremont Colleges Creative Writing Program Internship
The internships and organizations listed on this site are collected and curated by faculty in the Creative Writing program.

This is a free resource for students who are interested in software engineering/cs work.

Community Engagement Opportunities Database
If you are interested in internships, fellowships, volunteer positions, and/or jobs that are related to community engagement please check the above link and click on the “Internships” bar at the bottom of the page. A big thank you to Suzanne Guerrero of the Promise Scholars Program, our program assistants of the CEC, and staff that helped assemble this resource!  Thanks for sharing CEC!

According to their website, “Idealist is all about connecting idealists—people who want to do good—with opportunities for action and collaboration. With more than 100,000 organizations and 1.4 million monthly visitors to our English, Spanish (, and French ( sites, Idealist helps people move from intention to action all over the world.”

Internships-USA (CEI Internships)                                                             
Username: Pitzer
Password: Sagehens
Internships-USA lists more than 2800 organizations offering internships for undergraduate college students. They gather their information directly from the employers listed. Internships are then listed in 13 different publications on this site to download for free. Titles include: Advertising Agencies ; Internships for America’s Top Companies; Big Green Internship Book; For the Common Good: Internships with Community and Social Service Agencies; Congressional Internship Book; Human Rights Internships; The History & Museum Internship Book; Internships in International Affairs; Media Internship Book; Resort Internship & Seasonal Employment Guide; The Sports Internship Book; Washington DC Internships in Law & Policy; and the Women’s Rights Internship Book. is the world’s largest internship marketplace bringing students, employers and higher education institutions together in one centralized location. We specialize in helping students and young professionals find the right internship to kick start their career.

LA Best Babies Network – Public Health Careers
According to their website, “Since 2001, when LA Best Babies Network (LABBN) was founded, we’ve been strengthening organizations and systems so they can support L.A. County families. With a focus on health equity, we work to ensure that all families have access to perinatal health and early parenthood support resources.” You can email them to get on their employment opportunities listserv as well.

Los Angeles County Arts Commission
According to their website, “The Los Angeles County Arts Internship Program funds nonprofit performing, presenting, literary and municipal arts organizations to host college students in paid internships throughout the summer. The program is a sister program to The Getty Foundation’s Multicultural Undergraduate Internship Program, which provides similar internships in museums and visual arts organizations.”

National Science Foundation (NSF) – Research Opportunities for Undergraduates (REU)
According to their website, “NSF funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and
other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing
and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent
residents of the United States or its possessions.”

Rochester Institute for Technology
This website lists opportunities (Co-op/Internships and Summer Research) in the Life Sciences. Opportunities listed are in Biomedical Research; Ecology, Animal, & Plant Biology and Marine Science; Developmental Biology/Genetic Counseling; First-Year Undergraduates; Minority and Underrepresented Students; Bioinformatics, Genomics & Proteomics; University-Based Research Positions; Pre-Veterinary medicine Students; Biomedical engineering; high School students; Private companies; Neuroscience; Microbiology; Immunology; and International

Second Day Hiring Platform
This website make social impact jobs accessible to more diverse communities of young talent. This website is not only a job database of social impact jobs they also include social impact career guides.

Student Conservation Association
SCA’s mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of the environment and communities by engaging young people in hands-on service to the land. SCA internships are posted as they become available, so keep checking back to find the SCA position that is the best fit for you. Summer internships will typically start to be posted around December-January. Positions listed here have not yet filled and positions are taken down from the database once they are filled.

VAULTAccess “Resources” in Handshake Link below provides in-depth intelligence on what it’s really like to work in an industry, company or profession—and how to position yourself to land that job. Vault’s influential company rankings, ratings and reviews are sourced and verified through ongoing directed surveys of active employees and enrolled students. Vault also welcomes current and previous employees and students who were unable to participate in the surveys, to submit reviews on their experiences, salaries, interviews and more. Whether you are just entering the workforce, making a lateral career move or considering a career change, is more than just reviews, it provides the intelligence you need for the career you want—search current job openings, research a company, school or industry, get the inside scoop on what it’s really like, and find the career advice you need to launch your career.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: H-1B Employer Data Hub. The H-1B Employer Data Hub includes data from fiscal year 2009 through fiscal year 2024 (quarter 3) on employers who have submitted petitions to employ H-1B nonimmigrant workers. Helpful information on employers that sponsor international graduates as well as a job board.


Additional Resources

Professor Pitney’s IR and Policy database

LinkedIn Jobs

Pitzer College Career Services follows the NACE guidelines for defining an internship:

“An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent.”

Connecting Internship Experiences to the Academic Experience

Pitzer College offers several ways to obtain academic credit related to internship experiences completed during the summer or academic year.  Please read the official documentation regarding this process in the “Independent Study and Internships” section of the Pitzer Catalog so you are aware of all of your options.  The following is a brief, unofficial summary of the options for securing academic credit related to internship experiences.  Students should discuss the following options with their academic advisor and consult.

Utilize an Existing Internship Course

A number of Pitzer College Field Groups have internship courses in place for which students can register,.  Students should consult their academic adviser and consult the Pitzer Academic Catalog for more information.

Independent Study

To earn academic credit for an internship, students must negotiate an Independent Study with a faculty member and that Independent Study must have an academic component. Merely completing hours at a placement is not sufficient to gain academic credit. The academic component normally involves the completion of a project (e.g., paper, video, art work) that combines subject area learning with the placement experience.

For placements in the fall or spring, independent study credit is given in the semester in which the placement occurs, and the academic component must be completed that semester. In case of summer internships or community service, the placement experience can be applied to an independent study in either the summer or the subsequent fall semester.  The Independent Study enrollment (summer or fall) shall reflect when the academic component is to be completed.

Please read more about this option at Guidelines for Internship and Community Service Independent Study for Course Credit. Completed Independent Study forms should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, which are then forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for review and approval. Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and on the Registrar’s Office website.  Students must follow all deadlines related to independent studies.

Zero-Credit Internship Independent Study

Coordinated by the Office of Career Services, this no-cost option allows for students to compose and self-evaluate learning objectives for the internship and complete other requirements. Once completed, a non-credit bearing notation is included on the student’s transcript.  This option is helpful for students who need to demonstrate that an internship is contributing to their education but do not need credit toward graduation.

To begin the zero-credit internship independent study process, a student should contact Career Services at A Career Services professional will connect the student to an online form that is to be completed and submitted no later than 1 week after beginning the internship.  It is highly recommended, however, that students complete the form before beginning the internship.

A general guideline for time spent at the placement for zero credit is 80 hours total for the semester or summer.  The placement must be completed within the summer or semester that the independent study will be recorded.  For zero-credit internship based independent studies taking place during the fall or spring semester, approval of the student’s academic advisor is also required.

The zero-credit internship independent study form requests the following:

  1. The student’s contact information and that of the organization with which the student will be working, including complete contact information for a supervisor or supervisors.
  2. At least 3 learning outcomes for the internship.  Information about learning outcomes is included in the form.  The goal of outlining learning outcomes is to encourage the student to maximize their internship experience and to assist the student in articulating to others what was learned through the experience.
  3. A completed and signed Liability Waiver Form.  The Liability Waiver Form will be provided by Pitzer Career Services and can be submitted with the online form.

Once all of the requirements above have been completed, a letter will be provided by the Registrar’s Office confirming a student’s involvement in the zero-credit internship independent study for the relevant time frame.

To secure the internship notation on the transcript, the following must be submitted before the first day of class of the following semester (for example, if a student is completing a summer internship, the following will be due by the first day of fall classes):

  1. An approximately 500-word reflection paper in which the student self-evaluates on each learning outcome.  This evaluation will help the student to reflect upon and articulate what they learned through the internship experience and how to communicate that to others.
  2. Written documentation from the internship supervisor that states the total number of hours that the student completed in the internship.

The 500-word reflection paper can be submitted directly to the primary contact in Career Services via e-mail (as an attached document, NOT in the body of an e-mail).

The zero-credit independent study will not show on a student’s transcript until all materials have been successfully submitted.

For more information, please contact Career Services at, 909.621.8519 or in Scott Hall 126.

Contact Information

Career Services

Career Services is here to help you achieve postgraduate success, no matter what that looks like for you. From career consultations to advice about graduate and professional schools, our team offers you the tools you need to reach your goals after graduation.

Scott Hall, Room 126 (first floor, south end)

Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Open year-round including breaks with the exception of select holidays.